When you start working on Facebook Ads, you must be careful in every step you take so that Facebook doesn't disable your account.
I will explain to you exactly what you should do, and if you have any questions afterwards, please write them in the comments below.
When you buy a new FB account and after logging in from an Anti-Detected browser + Proxy, you have to do the following:
Login to the account and turn off the browser without logging out
After 3 hours, open the browser and create a new page
After 1 hour, add this page to the BM from Business Settings
After 3 hours, add your card to the Ad account
After 5 hours, create a campaign with a $5 daily budget
After 2 hours from the approval of your ads, you can gradually increase the budget by $5 per hour
I know it's a boring process, but believe me, if you follow these steps, Facebook can never ban your account.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
All the shared tips and advice given to you in this blog are based on our judgments, results, and the information available at a particular point in time. We will not be responsible for the losses or gains made through these tips either legally or otherwise. You are advised to exercise the tips at your own risk. We shall also not be responsible for the failure of your ads for any reason.